Going Green - Leafed: Balancing Nutrition As a Vegetarian

With the ability to produce and import various foods throughout the year that is not only organic, but also cheaper than years past, it's a very great time to explore different eating lifestyles that suit your individual wants or needs. For anyone planning to, or currently eating as a vegetarian, it's important to know that while eating vegetables and fruits is extremely healthy, your body still needs protein, calcium and other nutrients not common in those food groups; luckily, it's very easy to have access to such nutrients.

Why Go Vegetarian?

Being omnivores, humans are able to adjust their eating habits to suit their environment. Over the centuries, various cultures found non-meat foods that contained nutrients once thought to be exclusive to meat. Many "green" foods offer just as much nutrition as meat minus the negative effects. Avoiding meat, especially red meat, means that you won't have to worry about cholesterol or saturated fats, both of which are linked to obesity. On top of that, eating foods grown from the earth means less processed foods and that cleanliness in your diet will reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure as well as increase energy, skin cleanliness and the body's natural glow.

What Nutrients Are Easy to Get? Eating vegetables and fruits gives you access to a majority of nutrients. Some examples are:

• Fiber-any tough vegetable such as celery contains cellulose which contains fiber. This helps maintain a healthy colon by scraping away excess waste in our gastrointestinal tract.
• Potassium-an important mineral used for neuromuscular reactions, bananas are a plentiful source of potassium.
• Essential Carbs-fruits like apples, peaches, oranges, etc all contain glucose or variations of sugar. These are what give your body immediate energy and are used very quickly. Tubers like carrots and potatoes contain starch which are a good source of long-term energy.
• Vitamin C-fruits that contain citric acid, such as lemons, grapefruit, oranges and limes contain vitamin c, which is a natural stimulant and immune booster.

What Are Other Essential Nutrients?

Setting aside fruits and vegetables, it's vital that you have a source of iron, calcium, protein, and unsaturated fat. What's good about being a vegetarian today is that you can get access to such nutrients without having to resort to meat or even supplements! Some examples are:

• Iron-Pop-eye wasn't eating spinach for nothing! Iron helps the blood to carry more oxygen throughout the body. It's also used in clotting processes. Other foods that have it are red beans, tofu and oatmeal.
• Calcium-milk and cheese are the most obvious sources of calcium, which are needed for bone support and growth. However, kale, broccoli, and other legumes also contain sufficient amounts.
• Protein/Unsaturated Fat-without meat, one may think getting protein is going to be difficult. However, tofu, nuts, and wheat's also have very excellent sources of protein, not to mention good sources of unsaturated fats. Protein is needed for muscle growth and development, while unsaturated fat is used by the body in various metabolic processes.

The famous axiom, "you are what you eat" is truer now more than ever. With processed beef, feed lots, and chemically enhanced food the need for going green takes more of a priority now than ever. There are exceptions of course, given that all organic food in Germany requires the traveler to carry international travel insurance just to eat a salad. Overall however, the good totally outweighs the bad, both in long-term health payout as well as energy levels needed for any given day. On every level, the first step to avoid the health issue what you put in your mouth.

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